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My English Studying26

22년 3월 고1 영어 모의고사 41번~42번 지문 분석 1. 41~42번 영어 지문 원본 The longest journey we will make is the eighteen inches between our head and heart. If we take this journey, it can shorten our misery in the world. Impatience, judgment, frustration, and anger reside in our heads. When we live in that place too long, it makes us unhappy. But when we take the journey from our heads to our hearts, something shifts inside. What if we were able t.. 2023. 4. 17.
2022년 3월 고1 영어 모고 40번 지문 분석 1. 40번 영어 지문 원본 The common blackberry (Rubus allegheniensis) has an amazing ability to move manganese from one layer of soil to another using its roots. This may seem like a funny talent for a plant to have, but it all becomes clear when you realize the effect it has on nearby plants. Manganese can be very harmful to plants, especially at high concentrations. Common blackberry is unaffected by d.. 2023. 4. 17.
22년 3월 고1 모고 영어 39번 지문 분석 1. 39번 영어 지문 원본 We are connected to the night sky in many ways. It has always inspired people to wonder and to imagine. Since the dawn of civilization, our ancestors created myths and told legendary stories about the night sky. Elements of those narratives became embedded in the social and cultural identities of many generations. On a practical level, the night sky helped past generations to kee.. 2023. 4. 16.
2022년 3월 고1 영어 38번 지문 분석 1. 38번 영어 원본 When an ecosystem is biodiverse, wildlife have more opportunities to obtain food and shelter. Different species react and respond to changes in their environment differently. For example, imagine a forest with only one type of plant in it, which is the only source of food and habitat for the entire forest food web. Now, there is a sudden dry season and this plant dies. Plant-­eating.. 2023. 4. 16.