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2022년 3월 고1 모고 영어 33번 지문분석 1. 33번 영어 지문 원본 Most times a foreign language is spoken in film, subtitles are used to translate the dialogue for the viewer. However, there are occasions when foreign dialogue is left unsubtitled (and thus incomprehensible to most of the target audience). This is often done if the movie is seen mainly from the viewpoint of a particular character who does not speak the language. Such absence of .. 2023. 4. 4.
22년 3월 고1 32번 영어 지문 분석 1. 32번 영어 지문 원본 Face-­to-­face interaction is a uniquely powerful - and sometimes the only - way to share many kinds of knowledge, from the simplest to the most complex. It is one of the best ways to stimulate new thinking and ideas, too. Most of us would have had difficulty learning how to tie a shoelace only from pictures, or how to do arithmetic from a book. Psychologist Mihàly Csikszentmihàl.. 2023. 4. 4.
22년 고1 3월 모고 31번 지문 분석 1. 31번 영어 지문 원본 Generalization without specific examples that humanize writing is boring to the listener and to the reader. Who wants to read platitudes all day? Who wants to hear the words great, greater, best, smartest, finest, humanitarian, on and on and on without specific examples? Instead of using these ‘nothing words,’ leave them out completely and just describe the particulars. There is .. 2023. 4. 4.
22년 고1 3월 영어 모의고사 30번 지문분석 1. 30번 영어 지문 원본 Rejection is an everyday part of our lives, yet most people can’t handle it well. For many, it’s so painful that they’d rather not ask for something at all than ask and risk rejection. Yet, as the old saying goes, if you don’t ask, the answer is always no. Avoiding rejection negatively affects many aspects of your life. All of that happens only because you’re not tough enough to .. 2023. 4. 1.